Dress Policy
Casual Uniforms
Casual Uniforms include any combinations of the offered shorts (black or khaki), polo shirts (black, wine or white in either of the fabric options), khaki skirt, offered jackets, or sweaters, Varsity sweater for men or women, white socks, with any closed toe shoe with a back (no open toe or backless shoes). Black belts are to be worn with pants or shorts that have belt loops.
Formal Uniforms
Men - Required Elements
Grey Blazer with logo
White Oxford Shirt
Black pants
Black Belt
Tie (Plaid bow tie or long tie)
Vest Optional as weather appropriate
Black Socks
Black Dress Shoes
Women - Required Elements
Black Blazer with logo
White Oxford Shirt
Vest Optional as weather appropriate
Grey Pleated Skirt
Tie (Long tie)
Neutral Hose or Wine or Black knee socks
Black Dress Shoes (low or no heel)
General Appearance
Students may not have:
- Hairstyles that are of extreme color, including two-tone, multicolored, unnatural, and excessive highlighting
- Piercings (other than ear) on any body part; gauges or earlobe-stretching implements are not permitted, nose piercings or any jewelry that is offensive are not permitted
- Make-up that is excessive
- Visible undergarments
- Visible tattoos (must be covered during school and at school events)
- Clothes which are low rise, too tight, too short, too revealing, sagging, or not in good taste
- Ripped, scuffed, oversized, extreme, sloppy, or dirty garments of any kind
Non-Uniform Days
On selected days, students may dress in accordance with the specified school theme, all the while keeping in mind sound judgment with respect to the philosophy of Saint Jeanne de Lestonnac Catholic High School.
Students may not wear:
- Attire with offensive logos (e.g. alcohol, tobacco, satanic symbols, or sexual innuendos); A good rule of thumb is – “When in doubt – change!”
- Costumes that are obstructive, offensive (sexual, cross-dress, racist, stereotypical, staff impersonation) contain weapons of any sort, or are gruesome or violent
- Masks that obstruct their vision
- Oversized or baggie attire
- Pants/jeans with holes, tears, or frayed edges, that sag (drop below the waistline) or that are tight
- Revealing clothing (tank tops, crop tops, halter tops, strapless, off the shoulder, sheer, low-cut, or spaghetti strap shirts) or any shirt/top which does not provide coverage of the cleavage, midriff, and lower back at all times
- Sandals
- Shorts, skirts, dresses more than three inches above the top of the knee cap, including mini-skirts or mini dresses.
***If students come inappropriately dressed to school or school events, a detention will be administered and the student will be asked to change (even if that means calling home for appropriate clothes). The Administration reserves the right to deem dress inappropriate beyond those regulations outlined in this handbook. Dress for success!
Use St Jeanne's code STJO46 for Tommy Hilfiger Schoolwear below: